Have you ever...? | |
In a presentation or on a web site, have you ever used: | |
...cartoons from a published source? ...photographs scanned from a magazine or found on the internet? ...copies of magazine or newspaper articles? ...audio files? ...video clips? ...CD music? |
When providing training material, have you copied: | |
...vendor published instruction manuals? ...pamplets? ...commercial training videos? |
Have you forwarded through e-mail: | |
...humorous material found on an external web-site? ...a joke written by a friend? ...cartoons, photographs, audio files, video clips? |
Most of the time, all of these things are infringement upon one or more of the exclusive rights that belong to the owner of the copyright. |
Sunday, 11. October 2009,
14:27 by
Michael Goad
visits since June 12, 2002