SPRINGFIELD, August 6, 1862. Brig. Gen. JOHN M. SCHOFIELD, Saint Louis: I am glad to hear arms are coming. I have given, as a general rule, 40 to 50 muskets to a company, with orders to capture arms enough to arm the balance. The trouble with the rebels will be in Cedar, Barton, Vernon, and Newton Counties. I have sent an express to Colonel Salomon, asking him to occupy Jasper and Newton Counties. Major Montgomery is in Dade County, with 100 of Sixth Missouri Cavalry and about 500 militia and citizens who have joined him. Major Hubbard is in vicinity of Lawrence, with section of artillery and 500 First Missouri and Third Missouri State Militia. The citizens who have arms are joining our commands in large numbers to assist in driving the rascals away if they have not left the State. I think that it will be hot work for them. My correspondent says Colonel Tracy, Colonel Hughes, and Colonel Coffee were at Greenfield. The papers of Colonel Lawther, captured near Forsyth, show that he was also to be with them. I have done as you suggested, placed the troops to centralize at this post. E. B. BROWN, Brigadier-General.
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