Quantrill's raid into Kansas, and pursuit by Union forces No. 5.--Report of Maj. Linn K. Thacher, Ninth Kansas Cavalry. |
HEADQUARTERS, SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of my chase after Quantrill, on the evening of the 20th instant, by the order of the general commanding: I marched with all the available forces I could collect. I had, in all, with me about 120 men. At Olathe, I learned that Quantrill was, when last heard from, aiming for Paola, Kans. I pressed on in that direction, and, a little after daylight, struck the trail of the enemy about 5 miles north of Paola, leading eastward. I followed this for 10 miles, and then halted long enough to feed the horses, after which I pressed on until I reached Grand River. There the enemy separated, a part going into the Grand River bottom, and the other steering for Lone Jack and the Sni Hills. I pursued the latter, Colonel [C. S.] Clark being in pursuit of the former. On Big Creek, a half hour before dark, a small party of guerrillas showed themselves as I approached. I charged them, and they fled to the woods, and thus baffled pursuit. There I awaited until daylight, and then followed. They moved direct to the Sni Hills. I scoured the intermediate country and woods, and scouted for three days the Sni country, dividing my command into small parties, and at night secreting my men in squads along the paths and roads I supposed they would pass. For two days I also searched the guerrilla haunts on the Little Blue, running into a party of two of them near Fristoe's place, capturing a revolver and horse of one of them, but, to my chagrin, killed neither of them. I returned to-day, after having been out six days and nights, having traveled over many a long and difficult mile, and having failed to accomplish what I hoped to. I am, your obedient servant, L. K. THACHER, Major Ninth Kansas Volunteers, Commanding Post. Lieut. H. HANNAHS, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, District of the Border. |
Page last edited 06/27/2009 |