Quantrill's raid into Kansas, and pursuit by Union forces
No. 9.--Report of
Lieut Col. Walter King, Fourth Missouri State Militia Cavalry. |
WHITE OAK CAMP, August 23, 1863. GENERAL: I have the honor to report my return to this camp at 10 o'clock last night. Upon approaching Paola at daybreak yesterday I found that our forces, under Colonel Clark, Captain Coleman, and others, had arrived and had not overtaken or intercepted Quantrill. Upon searching for the trail after day, it appears that Quantrill crossed Bull Creek, about 4 miles north of Paola; but, instead of passing out of Kansas by that route, he turned north and passed out of Kansas at nearly the same point at which he entered, going east. Thinking he designed returning to the Blue Hills to scatter out, I marched as rapidly as possible to the position that would enable me to cut him off from either of the Blues and keep him in the open country, and held that position at sunset yesterday. But I learned that Quantrill continued his course due east, as if for the waters of Grand River. Troops are in other directions to intercept, and others were on the trail; I know not with what success. When departing on the scout, I ordered my baggage and train to a camp 2 miles from Independence for safety. I order the same to return to this camp to-day. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, WALTER KING, Lieutenant-Colonel. Brigadier-General EWING. |
Page last edited 06/27/2009 |