NOVEMBER 24-26, 1862.--Expeditions from Greenfield into Jasper and Barton Counties, Mo. Report of Brig. Gen. Francis J. Herrron, U. S. Army. NOVEMBER 28, 1862. Brigadier-General Brown reports the result of two expeditions sent from Greenfield, Mo. One under Major [G. W.] Kelly, Fourth Missouri State Militia, into Jasper County, encountered and dispersed Jackman's band of guerrillas killing 1 lieutenant and 1 private, and capturing 6 prisoners, with their horses, arms, &c. Captain Roecker, of Major Kelly's command, had a hand-to-hand encounter with a rebel lieutenant, finally killing him. The other expedition, under Lieutenant Pritchard, met a portion of the same band near Lamar, in Barton County, dispersing them and killing 2. Quantrill, with 1,000 men, came up to within 10 miles of Newtonia, intending to surprise Colonel [J. F.] Philips, stationed at that place; but hearing of the re-enforcements sent there, has scattered his command, falling back into McDonald County. Colonel Philips is after him. The southwestern counties are swarming with guerrilla bands. F. J. HERRON, Brigadier-General. Maj. Gen. SAMUEL R. CURTIS.
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