Automated Metric Conversion Calculator - Admiral Metals
Body HeightWeight Converter - converts English to metric units and vice versa
Date Calculator Page - calculates the number of days between two dates.
Conversion Maestro - “Length (feet, meters) Area (square feet, square meters) Mass and Weight (ounces,grams) Liquid Volume (pints, liters) Temperature (Fahrenheit, Celsius)”
Currency Converter
Inflation Conversion Factors - between the dollars for various times including from the year 1700 and estimated value for the year 2010
Maths Helper - calculates and converts metric and imperial units for area, volume, time, temperature, and more.
Mega Converter
Measurements Converter
- This one is very good! .....Weight, Capacity and volume, Length, Area, Speed, Pressure, Temperature, Circular measure, Time
- Convert just about anything to anything else.
Salary Calculator - “compare the cost of living in hundreds of U.S. and international cities.”
- Sunrise
Sunset - Calculate sunrise and sunset based on
longitude and latitude